Live chat backup holiday fails

Your Live Chat Backup Service is Unprepared for Murphy’s Law

Written By Eric Schlesinger

Murphy’s law states, “Anything that can go wrong — will go wrong.” Therefore, severe weather happens, and when it does, your live chat backup provider has two choices. They can: 1. Ensure the live chat team is prepared to handle the questions about your stores open hours or any closings due to severe weather. or 2. Epically fail at answering …

Pumpkin carving

What Breaking Bad’s Gus Fring Can Teach You About Management

Written By Carol Marshall

If you’ve seen AMC’s Breaking Bad, you already know about the radical transformation of Walter White, a chemistry teacher who turned into a drug kingpin when he found out about his terminal cancer. You already know about last season’s epic chess match between Walt and Gus Fring, a respected restauranteur who used his business savvy to front an extremely successful …